
"When I started reiki my energy levels were extremely depleted. After a few sessions I felt totally re-energised, like a glowing white light flowing through my body. The visualizations I experience during a reiki session are amazing in that it creates a sense of relaxation, feeling of peace, harmony and wellbeing. I can now heal myself of any physical discomfort through the powerful tool of white light. It never fails."

Love & Light
Vicky M


"My first visit with her was fantastic. She has an amazing insight and was able to tell me things that I felt but not expressed to anyone else. I have now been working with Feran for about 7 months and in this time my relationships have improved; I am more true to myself and have fallen pregnant!!! I now recommend Feran to many of my friends and clients. Thank you Feran"

Dr Helen Alevaki


"I do not know what it was that drew me into Angel's Trumpet one warm spring day in 2006. I had never encountered or been interested in the metaphysical but for some reason was compelled to walk through the inviting and welcoming door. I am very grateful that I did.

I spoke to the shop's owner, Feran and was drawn to her warmth and energy. I was at a very low point in my life on several fronts and I suppose I was looking for some answers and most importantly some help.

The next day I decided that I needed to return to the energy that I had encountered at Angel's Trumpet and made an appointment for a Tarot reading. I was startled by the accuracy of Feran's interpretation of the cards. A woman who new nothing about me was able to tell me the story of my life thus far and accurately predict outcomes to date. As a confirmed sceptic I was blown away and could not explain what had just happened.

I decided to then avail myself of Feran's services for a Reiki experience. I had heard of it but had no idea of what it really was. My first experience was amazing, I felt so much during the session that I decide to keep going and am now a regular.

As a professional businessman in the financial field for many years, I am very aware of the importance of being mindful of who I recommend as my reputation rides on my word. In the case of Angel's Trumpet I have no hesitation in recommending that people avail themselves of the services provided. I have referred many friends and colleagues to Feran's shop and have only received validation of my recommendation through the many thanks that have come my way. Stephen P Fahry CEO Total Water Pty Ltd Water purification systems."

Stephen P Fahry
CEO Total Water Pty Ltd
Water Purification Systems